2 stretching exercises for children


Children should always be encouraged to indulge in different physical exercises as it helps them stay fit and healthy. Children should do stretching exercises as warm-up exercises because it can help make the body flexible. In Montessori Torrance, CAchildren always start their physical activity class by doing some stretching exercises. Here you can find some stretching exercises which you may teach your children and encourage them to practice regularly.
Child’s Pose:
This posture helps children to do a full stretch. They do this exercise to reduce their stress and feel relaxed.
Steps to follow:
  1. First, kneel down with knees spread apart and toes touching each other.
  2. Bend forward to place the forehead on the mat or floor and then stretch the arms forward with the palms extended in front of the head.
  3. Next move the lower half of the body such that buttocks touch the heels.
  4. Inhale and exhale slowly in this pose and hold it for about 30 seconds.
Bow Pose:
One of the major benefits of this stretching exercise is to improve spine flexibility and blood circulation in the body. On regular practicing, this exercise would help in reducing strain in the neck, back, strengthens the upper body, and releases muscle tension.
Steps to follow:
  1. Lie down on the belly with the head towards one side and the hands alongside the body.
  2. Turn the head to touch the floor with the chin. Exhale; fold the knees and grab the right ankle with the right hand and left ankle with the left hand.
  3. Now inhale and slowly lift the chest and raise the knees and hold the pose for some time.
  4. Exhale and slowly lower chest and feet and slowly return to the original position.
In Day-care Torrance CA, children practice stretching exercises regularly as it helps them to be active and make their body flexible. At home also you can encourage your kids to do these exercises. You can model doing the posture so that the little ones feel motivated to do the same with you. Doing exercise together can also help you to develop a healthy relationship with your children.


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