
What is Active Listening and Tips to Develop it in Kids

Listening is an important component of learning. Teachers should help kids develop their active listening ability from the early days as it will have a major impact on building the communication skills needed both inside and outside the classroom. Active listening is an important soft skill that Child Care kids can acquire and develop with time and patience. What is Active Listening? Active listening is giving full attention to the speaker and trying to comprehend properly what is being told. Active listeners demonstrate verbal and non-verbal signs of listening. Positive reinforcement, remembering, and questioning are all verbal signs of active listening while smiling, nodding head, positive body language are non-verbal signs of listening. Active listening means acknowledging the other person’s perspectives and this encourages healthy conversation. Why Kids Should Develop Active Listening Skills? Parents and teachers should always do activities with their kids to promote acti

What Preschool Teachers Would Like You to Know Before Sending Kids to School

A re you planning to put your kids in school? Here are a few things that Montessori teachers would like you to know before you actually send your kids to school. Start the day with a healthy breakfast Before coming to Preschool your child should have a healthy breakfast. A school is a place where children learn different things through various activities. So, a high sugar, low protein breakfast would give them the required energy to start their day with a bang. Comfortable clothes Pre-schoolers should come to school wearing comfortable clothes. Fancy dresses are not recommended as their dress should not be a distraction or hindrance to their learning. They are expected to wear comfortable bottoms (easy to pull up and off without much assistance), a cotton t-shirt or top, and sports shoes (as they will be doing different activities). Parents should send an extra pair of dresses in their bags for any emergency. Stationery In most of the Daycare centers , basic stationeries a

How can You Stay Positive Around Your Growing Toddler?

Toddlers are curious and keen observers. They learn the best from what they see and feel around them. You would be surprised to know that they can sense your frame of mind while you are communicating with them. Child Care teachers have observed that children of positive parents enjoy better physical and psychological health. Staying positive all the time while managing a toddler, household chores along with your professional commitments is definitely a daunting task. Still, you can follow these tips to remain calm and positive around your growing toddler. Tips to Stay Positive in front of Your Toddler Here are some useful tips from experts on how you can converse with your toddlers better, to make their whole growing up experience a better one. 1.       Prioritizing: Almost all the parents would agree that saying this is far easier than doing it in the real life.But if you can do this, you will realize that prioritizing work is the most effective tool to achieve the desired ob

3 Easy Animal Crafts for Preschoolers

  If you have a toddler at home then you must have experienced that kid’s love spending time doing art and craft. In fact, coloring, painting, cutting, pasting, folding activities are very useful in developing their motor skills. Art and crafts also help children become more creative and imaginative. Daycare Torrance CA teachers allow kids to do various types of crafts as it is a very useful medium of self-expression. So, if you also want to do some craftworks with your kids, here you can find some easy animal craft ideas for preschoolers. Easy Animal Crafts for Kids: Kids, who see animals mostly on television or in cartoon shows, will enjoy doing these animal crafts and you can also have a gala time in assisting them in their efforts. A Lovely Bear: A bear is a quite common animal, to begin with since most kids would be aware of its shape and sizes looking at their teddy bears at home. Materials: Scissors

Daycare Center for Children – its Pros and Cons

  Nowadays Daycares have become necessary for most parents because in many families both parents are professionals and they have to meet various deadlines. For single parents, it is highly stressful to raise their young ones and fulfill all their professional commitments at the same time.  So, they have to depend on the daycares. But according to the  Preschool Torrance CA   teachers, besides offering long-lasting social, economic, academic, and many other benefits for kids and their parents, putting small kids in childcare centers have certain disadvantages also. Please read through the blog post to know the advantages and disadvantages of daycare centers for children before you make any final decision. Advantages of daycare centers: Childcare experts say that going to daycare centers is quite beneficial for kids. Here you can find some advantages of daycare centers for children. ·     Kids Learn to Socialize:  Daycare centers are a great place for kids where they get the oppo

Bunk Bed for Kids – Its benefits, Risks, and Some Safety Tips

  Your child’s room is a highly functional space, and with a study table, cabinet, bookshelves, wardrobes, beds, other such equipment, this space may sometimes get too restricted for the little ones. There is no doubt that  Preschool  kids need a lot of space, and if you are looking to optimize space in their room, then a bunk bed can be a viable option. If you are concerned about how beneficial would it be for your kids, its various risk factors, safety tips, and other related aspects, we recommend reading this blog post entirely as it discusses all these topics and more in detail. First, let’s understand what are Bunk beds? In a simple language, a bunk bed or loft bed is a kind of bed where one bed is stacked on top of the other. This means there are two beds attached with the same frame or stack but they occupy the space of one bed instead of two. If you want to use the vertical space, then bunk beds are a great option. Benefits of Bunk Beds in Kids’ room: Here you can fin