How to keep Preschoolers Healthy During Season Change



Though the changing season is a beautiful experience to witness the beauty of nature and to see a multitude of changes happening throughout our surroundings, season change is every mother’s worst nightmare as she tries to keep her child away from sickness and illness. Mothers of preschool-going children worry most as these children do not know how to protect themselves from harsh nature.


Montessori expert in Torrance CA tells that toddlers mostly get sick during weather-change especially in the mid-period of winter and spring and Autumn and winter because the shift in temperatures provides an apt condition for different groups of viruses to flourish, which then spread contagious diseases. Moreover, the body of a child cannot get adjusted to the new season easily. It takes time. 


Most of the parents especially the mother of small children who go to preschoolMontessori, or any type of childcare become anxious and get confused on how to take the right care of their children when the season changes. 


A visiting pediatrician in a preschool in Torrance CA, tells that kids will suffer when the season changes, and it will increase their immunity naturally. But, he also gives some tips that will reduce the frequency of getting sick and will make children strong so that they can face boldly those various viral diseases and allergies that are very common during the season changes. The tips are given below.


Keep your children hydrated all the time not only during season change but also all through the year. Water helps flush the toxin out of the body, but with respect to season change, the importance of water is increased even more because it helps the body regulate its temperature. When your toddlers are not adequately hydrated, nasal passages and throat become dry and germs easily enter the body.


There is different kind of cells in our immune system that are responsible to combat infections and keeping illness away. Some of these cells require an abundant supply of vitamin c to perform their functions well. So providing them with some natural source of vitamin C can act as a booster dose for these cells and help them to perform their functions more efficiently. Some fruits which are an excellent source of vitamin C are lemons, oranges, pineapple, strawberries, kiwi, papaya, etc. 


Be sure that kids get adequate dietary fiber from fiber-rich foods like black beans, lentils, peas, broccoli, oatmeal, carrot, chia-seed, etc. It helps the digestive system to perform well, helps in bowel clearance, and removes toxins out of the body. 


A protein-rich diet helps to keep children healthy and helps to fight viruses. So include eggs, chickens, and fish in your child’s diet. The body creates antibodies to fight infection and all antibodies are actually complex protein structures.


As the seasons change the temperature can vary a lot throughout the day. It is best to dress your baby in layers so that you can remove or add layers whenever needed. 

Keep your baby’s immunization up to date. 


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