Physical, emotional and social development of 3-year-old children


If your toddler is almost 3 years old, you must have noticed his growing attention span and verbal skills. At this age, kids are normally able to follow instructions and express their own needs and thoughts using simple sentences. Once your kids start going to preschool Torrance, CA, you may experience some moments of meltdown and tantrums. But all these will come in tandem with silliness and creative spirit that will bring plenty of joy.
Physical Development:
The 3-year-olds not only growing in height and weight, but they are also fine-tuning their gross and fine motor skills. At this age, they will learn more about their body and how to control it.
Key milestones:
  • Gross motor skill: Normally, the 3-year-olds can walk in a line, balance on a low balance beam, skip or gallop, and walk backward. Most of them can pedal a tricycle, catch a large ball, and jump with two feet.
  • Fine motor skills: At this age, most of the kids know how to wash and dry their hands, dress themselves with less assistance, and can turn pages in a book. Most of the preschoolers start holding a writing instrument properly.
Most importantly, at this stage, they become potty trained.
Emotional development:
Temper tantrums tend to peak around this age as they learn to deal with stressful situations. They may insist on independence but most of the time struggle to deal with frustration when allowed to try something on their own.
Key milestones:
  • Most of the 3-year-olds start understanding emotions; both their own and others.
  • You may see them sharing and taking turns while playing with friends.
Social development:
In ChildCare Torrance, CA, 3-year-old kids interact quite well with others. They start developing their social skills.
Key milestones:
  • Shows empathy when somebody is hurt or upset. Sometimes they may comfort the person
  • Hugs parents to show their affection.
Please remember, every child is unique. So, your little one may reach these developmental milestones faster or slower. Be patient and enjoy seeing him grow in his way.


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